Friday, August 31, 2012

COMMENTING: Who Needs Privacy, Anyway?

"Privacy is passe' "

Mr. Zuckerberg, the almost-30 CEO of Facebook, put out that declaration a while back which sounds to me like a sneer at people who still regard privacy as something we should be able to expect in our lives: something to value, and protect. 

As if we who bring up the topic are making too much of an obsolete and essentially meaningless matter.

Ask anyone who has been stalked if privacy is obsolete.

What Zuckerberg seems to be saying, is that no one should be caring about the loss of privacy inherent in participation in so-called 'social media,' that the social convenience outweighs any little thing, like who can tap into it to know all about you.  Besides, if you aren't doing anything naughty, why should you mind if people are watching over your shoulder?

Minimizing a problem surely is easier than solving it.

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